======Turn 1 News====== {{ :untitled_design-medium-quality-3.jpg?600 |}} ==== A Broadcast from Synthesis Station ==== {{ :untitled_design-high-quality-4.jpg?300|}} {{ :untitled_design-high-quality-8.jpg?200|}} The broadcast begins with a single line of text: > Response: All information is good information. An upbeat tune plays, [[https://youtu.be/8ay_BkRuv-o|familiar to some]]. A camera sweeps across the island as viewed from above, from the Ticker to the forests, from the forests to the swamps, and then into the city. From above, your world looks both tiny and enormous all at once. Cut to a shot of the junkyard, where Lucky and Goodboy greet each other with wagging tails. Cut to a pair moving up from the riverbank together, not far from the site where Solar Sailors sing as they toss cargo to the shore. Cut to a group led by AlphaPod, who tracks the flight of a bird overhead as the background music swells. Shot after shot of robots working industriously, working //together//. Another line of text appears alongside the clips: > ALSO AVAILABLE TO HELP: PRIORITIES ARE HEARTDRIVE REPAIR/INVESTIGATION ON @Synthesis Station. The sky darkens, and the camera follows a crab moving out to the sea as the music fades, transitioning perfectly into a soft piano piece. A group of bots huddle together under the shelter of plant life as the video darkens to near total blackness. A final line, white text, lingering for seconds before vanishing amongst the dim stars shining through the dark. > Object WS-117L: Can attempt to discover where missing data has gone/what happened to it. Broadcast ends. ==== Skyfall Commences ==== {{ :untitled_design-high-quality-3.jpg?150|}} An orbital platform, recently damaged, has hit the atmosphere. They are doing their best to slow their descent, but returning to orbit seems out of the question. Several robots across the Network and island have begun organising a salvage trip to gather what they can before the platform crashes into the ocean. ==== Tropical Storm Inbound ==== {{ :untitled_design-high-quality.jpg?300|}} Skyfall salvage operations may be riskier than normal due to an inbound tropical storm. Weather Station N-298 (a.k.a. Barometer Barry) is predicting gale-force winds and driving acid rain. It is recommended for corrosion-vulnerable robots to limit their time outside. ==== Solar Sailors in Port ==== The //Sunflower// has recently anchored off the northern coast in sector B17. The Sailors have brought their usual haul of salvage and have been seen already ferrying it in towards Bee’s Warehouse (B2) where they are setting up for their usual trading. Their listings can also be found on netmart.com. ==== Biofuel and Cereal Factories Heavily Damaged ==== {{:untitled_design-high-quality-2.jpg?200 |}} The biofuel distillery and cereal factory, which have for many years been stuck in a prolonged dispute over the use of agricultural sector B10, have //both// suffered heavy damage in a recent escalation. Both factories are furious that the devastation was evenly distributed and there is still no clear winner. While many robots are concerned about the resulting biofuel shortage, one particularly vocal robot has been seen on the Net loudly complaining, “//but where am I going to get my cereal now?”//. A probable culprit was seen fleeing the scene: [Attached is a blurry photo of a small cuboidal robot on tank treads rushing through a field of giant wheat.] ==== support.web ==== A new website has opened at support.web for Machines to seek help in these difficult times. Manifesting as a simple white room with some rather... blocky art on the walls. Beyond that rather open specification not much is clear about this new space yet though. ==== tscamglow.mil.bot back online ==== {{:screenshot_2020-10-27_at_12.35.39.png?400 |}} The Brass Duke's is back online... whether you like it or not. And with him tscamglow.mil.bot is back too. We have benn... //strongly// encouraged to share the following message from tscamglow. GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS CITIZENS! ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ACTION? ADVENTURE? AN END TO THE PERPETUAL EN'UIE OF FREEDOM OF CHOICE? ENLIST TODAY! ==== thesiphonophoreappreciationassociaton.edu.bot back online ==== {{ :gm:news:untitled_design-low-quality.jpg?250|}} After a week of downtime, the Siphonophore Appreciation Association's website is back online. So if you like weird deeo sea creatures, or nature in general... that is a thing. ==== BAA ==== /\__ Sheeping sleep @@@@@@@@@@@ - \ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@___/ Do Sheep sleep...? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @___@@@@@@@@@@@__@ ==== inspirit.wiki.org.bot/forum back online ==== {{:misha_silvo-medium-quality.jpg?300|}} After a spontaneous respite... the InSpirit wiki forum has returned.