Shattering: Completed Stories

I know a story of a star who defied all limitations. I knew a star who found compromise where there was once only hatred. They did not hear stories – they understood them and took lessons from them, passing each message on to those they encountered and making the world a better, more thoughtful place for it. They were not afraid of uncertainty, instead, they leaned into the strange and the unique, encouraging all to dance to their own tune.

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I know a story of a star who learned that love means more than holding onto something forever. I know a story of a star who learned how to let go. They cared about the protection of things that needed just a little more time to fully bloom, and they found joy in belonging and in sharing that belonging with others. But when the time came, they accepted that not everything can be protected. They found power in their grief, and they grew even stronger for it.

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I know a story of a star who learned from their mistakes. I know a story of a star who was kind above all else, who sacrificed their freedom to save another from loneliness and misery. They taught me so many things – the importance of balance and compromise, and the importance of building things that will survive long after your death. The star learned from their own stories, too. The garden they planted continues to flower, even though they have travelled beyond the worlds we know. I hope that, wherever they are, they are happy.

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I know a story of a star who speaks for all they have met. I know a story of a star composed of the tales they hear. Perhaps the story I tell you now will become part of them too? They took the world and reforged it into a thousand beautiful images, each telling of a different experience. To be heard and to be written into them is one of the greatest honours, for it ensures that you will never be forgotten. And if you are never forgotten, if what you say and do means something to those around you, you can truly live a life without regret.

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