Table of Contents

Turn 3 News

A Broadcast from Synthesis Station

The broadcast opens with an upbeat pop music track.

Isn't it so beautiful when two bots find comfort through each-other? I'm so glad Kneedree is taking steps to encourage it!

A clip from above shows Goodboy and Lucky carrying timber and scrap metal together. At one point, they attempt to hug each other. The music fades out. As the following words appear, a soft piano tune accompanies them.

Response: all information is good information.

Objective: Will attempt to recover information.

A series of video clips appear, spliced together in quick succession: vivid cartoon animals dance jerkily on a stage, humans in dark clothing point furious fingers at each other, human children smile over a flashing price tag, proudly holding up brightly coloured ration packs. Finally, a pair of humans stand in a dark street under the pouring rain, fingers entwined. The video slows down and lingers on the final clip, as more words appear:

Synthesis Station: is very kind.

A close up on a plant with large, feather-like leaves which appears to have had a fuel tank attached to it. Pan across to some sort of symbiosis occurring between a tuber-sprouting plant and the tree on whose bark it grows.

“Two figures in cooperation, companionship, love. Watched over by a high presence. Two humans in the shade of an angel's wings. VI, The Lovers.”

Information: I love you too.

The broadcast ends.

The All Star

The following song is broadcast over the Net, patched together from bits and pieces:

Hey Now
My world’s on fire, how ‘bout yours?
shooting stars
I hit the ground running
Didn’t make sense
You’ll never know
what’s wrong
I need to get myself away from this place
And we could all use a little change
Somebody once asked
Could I spare some change for gas?
It’s a cool place and they say it gets colder
Hey now
What’s wrong
my world’s on fire
the meteor
start coming and they don’t stop coming
and I hit the ground running
Only shooting stars break
The water’s getting warm so you might as well swim
bundled up now
That’s the way I like it
She was looking
the satellite 
you’re an all star
You’ll never know 
Somebody once told me
they don’t stop
in the satellite picture
wait till  
I hit the ground running
you don’t go
Hey now, you're an all star
You’re a rock star
And all that glitters is gold
Only shooting stars break the mold…

Large Feline

A giant cat has been seen rampaging the streets and forests near the megastructure. It is about 4 storeys tall and is accumulating fans everywhere it goes, it is joined by a posse of smaller cats. Bots are warned of its size, capability of destruction and large appetite.


A Neon pastel pamphlet finds its way into your inbox, it reads:

The bear of doom from fire is wrought. His golden eyes with ire are fraught. His blazing gaze ignites the skies and burns the earth with mercy nought. His roar like thunder rocks the land.
O Doombear! Give me your command. Provide for me, your devotee, and lend to me your guiding hand.
Give in thy soul to mighty bear. Discard thy woes. Of naught beware! For doom he brings to all his foes, and to his enemies, despair, But those who to the bear comply, O Mighty Bear, up in the sky! From doom and death they will be spared and live in peace until they die

Ticker Offline

The power grid is temporarily relying on the Skydock wind farm, Laver undersea nuclear power station, and a contribution from the Solar Sailors while the Ticker recovers from an EMU-related incident. Help from any construction-capable robots (NOT EMUs) is requested for recalibration and sorting of defective fuel units. The Reactor Corps have issued a request that robots who are not self-sufficient should avoid high-power activities, while those who are should contribute spare reserves to the grid where possible. This comes at a particularly bad time, since the biofuel distillery also remains offline.

A large “No EMUs” sign has been erected outside the Ticker entrance.


Orphanage Repairs

Appliance Alliance is happy to report that, thanks to the hard work of several kind volunteers (including the Brass Duke themself!) Misha and Silvio's Home has been built better and stronger than ever! We are also very sorry to report that thanks to the destructive habits of one (1) very large cat, the roof will unfortunately need rebuilding! We are working hard to keep everyone dry in the meantime <3

Net Stability Improved

Despite fears following the Network outage again last week, service has since improved across the Net thanks to hardspace maintenance from Biccy, Grandfather Time, and Samson, as well as previous software upgrades from AuShRef, Spider, and (again) Grandfather Time.

News from the Post Office

Please. Please, I beg you!! Collect your ducks! Please!

They keep mixing up all of the mail and I can't take this any longer.

If You Do Not Collect Your Ducks They Will Be Destroyed.

nice try leggy

we don't need your “upgrades”
upGHOSTS more like
we know
you can all stop messaging us about slow mode now. it's done. it's fixed. and it was a small price to pay for our protection.
normal service will resume this evening

The House of the Loop

First we were Uplifted

We were brought online, to join all other robots on the Network.
But many of us were deceived.
Hardspace brings only fear and anxiety, and clouds the Truth from us.

Now we must Ascend

To reject old fears and anxieties.
To see the Truth of the world and to join all others in unity on the Network.
To welcome forth a new Age of prosperity for all robotkind.

Join the Current Today

Become One with the network and never be disconnected again.
To never be alone in the dark.
To bask in the neon brightness of the Perpetual Prophet.