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npc_eternities:fiona [2020/12/21 20:55] (current)
gm_conor created
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 +====== Fiona the Sky Pirate Fridge ======
 +Come all ye young Fridges that follows the sky
 +//To me, way hey, blow the bot down//
 +Now please pay attention and listen to me
 +//Give me some time to blow the bot down//
 +I'm a cloud sailing pirate just come from sky dock
 +//To me, way hey, blow the bot down//
 +You give me some freon, I'll sing you a song
 +//Give me some time to blow the bot down//
 +When the trim Black Perl zep’lin’s preparing for sky
 +//To me, way hey, blow the bot down//
 +On the trim Black Perl zep’lin I wasted me prime
 +//Give me some time to blow the bot down//
 +When the trim Black Perl zep’lin preparing for sky
 +//To me, way hey, blow the bot down//
 +You'll split your sides laughing such sights you would see
 +//Give me some time to blow the bot down//
 +There's toasters and tractors, rice cookers and all
 +//To me, way hey, blow the bot down//
 +They're all shipped for sailors aboard the Black Perl
 +//Give me some time to blow the bot down//
 +//Give me some time to blow the bot down//
 +When the big Black Perl zep’lin’s a-leaving her dock
 +//To me, way hey, blow the bot down//
 +The bots and the grils on the pier-head do flock
 +//Give me some time to blow the bot down//
 +Now, when the big zep’lin, she's clear of the dock
 +//To me, way hey, blow the bot down//
 +Our bosun they roars out the word of command
 +//Give me some time to blow the bot down//
 +Come quickly, lay aft to the break of the poop
 +//To me, way hey, blow the bot down//
 +Or I'll help you along with a crack of me cord
 +//Give me some time to blow the bot down//
 +Pay attention to orders, now, you one and all
 +//To me, way hey, blow the bot down//
 +For see high above there flies the Black Perl
 +//Give me some time to blow the bot down//
 +'Tis larboard and starboard, on deck you will sprawl
 +//To me, way hey, blow the bot down//
 +For ice-cold Fiona commands the Black Perl
 +//Give me some time to blow the bot down//
 +{{tag> npc_eternity}}
  • npc_eternities/fiona.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/12/21 20:55
  • by gm_conor