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npc_eternities:mom [2020/12/21 20:52] (current)
gm_conor created
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 +====== M.O.M. ======
 +You are a little worried when M.O.M. hasn’t sent a drone to greet you as usual, so you let yourself inside. As you enter the main atrium, a small toy car bumps  into your chassis. Then it repeatedly does so until a drone hovering nearby gently picks it up and turns it around. M.O.M. really seems to have her thousands of tiny claws full. 
 +Rusty speaks up over the Network asking her if she could use an extra pair of hands.
 +“Oh welcome back! No, no, thank you for the offer though! On the contrary: honestly I was a little worried there wouldn’t be much mothering needed! Remember when a bot was uplifted and they were basically a functioning, fully developed individual? These new-fangled Heartdrives are a little different, aren’t they?”
 +The last few hundred years had been pretty hard on her: there were no young bots, no-one really //needed// her. But now she finally has the chance to do what she always wanted.
 +You’ve never seen her happier.
 +{{tag> npc_eternity}}
  • npc_eternities/mom.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/12/21 20:52
  • by gm_conor