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npc_eternities:self [2020/12/18 16:37]
gm_rowan created
npc_eternities:self [2020/12/18 16:38] (current)
gm_rowan [OC Details]
Line 19: Line 19:
 And so by the end, they were really quite chill. They probably spent the rest of their existence playing with their twisted, fractal virtual construct of the megastructure and creating new models of alien minds. And so by the end, they were really quite chill. They probably spent the rest of their existence playing with their twisted, fractal virtual construct of the megastructure and creating new models of alien minds.
 +{{tag> npc_eternity}}
  • npc_eternities/self.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/12/18 16:38
  • by gm_rowan