Table of Contents

Player Guide

In Romancing the Toaster, there are no solid factions and you can freely explore organisations and virtual communities to your heart's content during the game, as we don't intend to restrict your access to plot based on the organisations your character is affiliated with! There are also no instructions for exploring these aspects of the game - we hope that players can find out for themselves what they enjoy!

With that said, we know that some players may want some more guidance when creating or playing their characters, so we've put together some suggestions for places to go, characters to talk to, and skills that might be useful based on your preferred playstyle. We encourage you to mix and match, picking whatever is most fun for you - the GM team will always be supportive of players who want to try a little bit of everything.

History and mystery:

Conflict, combat, and chaos:

Dungeon crawls, exploring and looting:

Something light-hearted and fluffy:

Nature and Apocalypse:

The Future of Robotkind: