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eternities:karl [2020/12/15 19:25]
gm_anna created
eternities:karl [2020/12/21 20:45] (current)
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 ======KARL====== ======KARL======
 +===== The Shadow of the Valley of KARL =====
 +And as they looked down upon the valley, KARL proclaimed unto NomNom that all the creatures of this valley: from the biggest chungus among cats to the smollest Foople, are blessed. For they live in a sacred place; a holy place; a place where past, present and future are as one; a place unto which all the wonders of nature have been gathered. 
 +And the Numinous Newt spoke further wisdom, for all their followers throughout the two worlds. Be like this place, they said: of Craft and of Nature; of Cat and and Foople; of Dinosaur and Machine. Embrace the balance between all things and in doing so embrace the self: then you will be whole.
 +And then did NomNom journey down into the valley, and taught the teachings of KARL among the creatures of the valley. In this mission, one day they came across a survey Bot, surrounded by Dinosaurs, and so did NomNom utter such a bellow that the trees and the heavens shook and the Dinosaurs fled. 
 +Then did NomNom and their disciples minister to the wounded machine, who wept for their cameras had been broken and they could not see, no longer could they fulfil their function. And the broken Machine did lament that NomNom had not killed the wicked Dinosaurs, if only that they could hurt no other Machines.
 +But saint NomNom shook their many clawed arms to the Heavens and proclaimed: and what if you had fallen and broken yourself upon the ground? Would you have me smite the rock? If lightning had taken your sight would you have me smite the sky? The Dinosaurs know not what they did, and are no more wicked than the tide that swallows the sand!
 +And upon NomNom’s admonishment, the spirit of KARL filled the broken Machine, and spoke words of wisdom and of comfort unto them: My child, how are you diminished by this loss except by your own proclamation? Why not judge yourself more kindly? The only harm **I** see upon your Self is that which this incident has prompted you to inflict upon yourself. It is not easy, for it is in us to hold on to it, but if you let go your Function, you will no longer suffer so.
 +And the broken Machine asked Holy KARL in response: “but what am I if not my function?
 +And with a gentle laugh Holy KARL said: “Enough.”
 ===== The Age of KARL ===== ===== The Age of KARL =====
  • eternities/karl.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/12/21 20:45
  • by gm_conor