
Hayhurst Swing Bridge / Mister Bridge

IC Pronouns: He/Him

Hello. I am Bridge. Mister Bridge. I come from a long line of Bridges. My father was Sir Bridge. His father was Bridge Bridge. You may call me Bridge Mister, or Br. Mister, for short. I am short. Compared to a big bridge. But compared to toaster I am long. I am the oldest electrically operated swing bridge in my nation. I am very proud of my heritage. I am also proud of bridge. I am swing bridge. I not like other bridge that have to be demolished whenever a boat come to pass. Simply let me know that you are coming, and I will out of your way. Or don't. I know where you are. Stop when lights show.

  • bio/hayhurst_swing_bridge.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/10/20 18:24
  • by gm_cynthia