
LatimeriaEX10 / Karl the Coelacanth

IC Pronouns: He/Him

Karl the Coelacanth (formerly known as LatmeriaEX10), is a deep-sea marine research bot whose former purpose was to retrieve and return samples of new organisms for the advancement of scientific knowledge. As his name suggests, he is shaped very much like a coelacanth, with hard plastic scales which act as armor coating his shell. He has two retractable grasping handles which emerge from next to his pectoral films. Now, he still has the spirit of an explorer, but it has taken a dark and disillusioned turn as he seeks to conquer the depths and absorb the knowledge of all creatures he encounters.

  • bio/latimeriaex10.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/10/17 16:25
  • by gm_conor