
TomodachiVirtualCompanion236AQ / Scoop.exe

IC Pronouns: They/Them or She/her

Tomodachi: the original virtual companion! Taking care of it is so much fun! Feed it, go for walks, play games, tell it all your secrets! That’s right - the Tomodachi comes with state-of-the-art voice recognition technology and up to 1000 pre-recorded phrases. This is companionship like never before! Invest in a Tomodachi today.

- Original Tomodachi advert

what’s up losers you’ve reached scoop. if ur getting this i’m not available for a hot second. probs recharging. no biggie.

will say tho. tiny possibility i’m disconnected again. which would be, um. my own personal hell on earth. so if this is like ur 3rd time tryin to contact me: buddy. dude. little help here pls.

viral 4 lyfe xox

- Away message for TomodachiVirtualCompanion236AQ, more commonly known as Scoop.exe

  • bio/tomodachi_virtual_companion_236aq.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/10/26 16:25
  • by gm_rowan