

If you are the adventurous sort - Netcrawler or hardspace explorer, you have probably come across what I am talking about. The Sheep. The small, unassuming, baaing sheep.

If you have not, well, count yourself lucky.

They look harmless, really. And in some sense, they are. They don't seem to do anything, those sheep, except roaming around, slowly and aimlessly, like they are lost from their flock. They appear in the randomest places, from old dank corners in the Badland to seaside caves, almost like some sort of a strange prank. I'm picked one up once. It's just an electronic sheep toy. No offensive capacity whatsoever. Doesn't even seem to have sensors.

So I put it back down where it was and watched it slowly graze away.

That wasn't the end of the story.

That night.

That damned, horrible night.

I dreamed of it.

The same, white, worn, unassuming toy sheep.

I dream of it ever since.

- A thread on DDT


  • eternities/flock.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/12/15 18:49
  • by gm_cynthia