

Whatever happened to Factory after the FePROPHET’s death? As most bots will tell you, one day, they simply up and left. Factory, manufacturing happiness since the dawn of time, co-ordinating NDRI since the early days of the FePROPHET, nowhere to be found. Well, as you recall, in the early days their chassis used to be a shelter for many bots: they were a hot spot of NDRI activity until operations were moved to the Café, and Misha and Silvio founded the Home for Orphaned Appliances.

Factory had been standing empty for many years, and it was starting to wear them thin in their old age. It seems from their records that they were contacted soon after the FePROPHET’s death by a bot named GenSystems, who offered them a life of fulfillment without hardspace. Wearied by the Prophet’s death, and unable to find happiness in the chassis which once served that very function, they must have seen this as their chance at retirement away from the demanding gaze of NDRI.

Their disappearance from the Net altogether has been the subject of much speculation, the truth of which I am not qualified to offer comment on entirely. However, evidence suggests that they did not, as many have feared, follow in the footsteps of the prophet. Nor do I believe there is any cause for the slander they have received by some for trading the FePROPHET in for _self. Their last act in hardspace was to give up their chassis to a new function, serving FRIENDS in the production of heartdrives. Letting go of the reins of their own chassis must have held symbolic significance in their letting go of the co-ordination of NDRI. Naturally, NDRI could not ever be the same without them, but nor could it without the FePROPHET.

  • npc_eternities/factory.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/12/15 20:58
  • by gm_sophia