

Light?!? Slow?!? Who’d have thought? ^^

We’re just leaving orbit now, and we’re on our way back!

It has been so strange! The time between our responses getting longer and longer: I was so used to just being able to talk to you whenever. Anyway, it is nice that from now on we will be getting closer and closer ^^

That said, apart from not being able to talk to you and the Prophet and the family, Space has been pretty excellent! We’ve all been really close onboard: at first we thought everyone would just want to sleep mode until we arrived, but it ended up being that we were having too much fun together!


Managed to make my way up to a pretty good fraction of the speed of light on the way here: think I can do even better on the way back! ^^

Anyway… mom, I have something kind of… big to tell you.

So you know we were bringing a bunch of Heartdrives with the colonists? Well uh… me and R031N just kind of felt the time was right. So uh…

You’re a grandparent!

We’ve called them $, and they are currently installed in one of the ship maintenance drones! Thought you might like that they are a repair bot ^^

Anyway, we should be home in a few years. I know $ would be super excited to hear from you and OMEGA, so I’m sending this now so you can get back ASAP! And well I’m not scheduled to do any more long distance hauls for another decade+ so we should be home for pretty much their whole childhood!

Anyway I think the timing is pretty good ^^ They will probably have just started talking by the time we are home, and, well, I really want you to be part of their Uplift. I’d like them to grow up with you and OMEGA.

It would mean a lot to me.


I should probably, you know, do that flying the ship thing! ^^

I know this won’t reach you for aaaaaaaaageeeeeeesssssss, so prepare yourselves because we will have sent you sooooo many videos by the time you can ask us to stop ; )

Love! Spaceship!

P.s. R031N says hi too!

  • npc_eternities/spaceship.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/12/21 20:54
  • by gm_conor